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photo-46Another UCLA health check up. I went up last Wednesday, yes to answer your first question,
I did get to skip school. Not necessarily for something amazingly fun. But if you’ve lived
the hospital life you know what I am talking about. I got to say hi to all my great doctors, that
part was pretty fun. I learned three pretty cool things on my trip.
1. I am finally 5 feet tall!
2. I have lots of time to grow because my bone age is 12-13 and I am almost 15.
3. I made a very special kid have a very special day. He had to be placed with a foster family
and his clothes and backpack were so bad that they had to be thrown away:( He couldn’t believe that he got a
Nick’s Picks backpack full of stuff and that it was his:) Now he is loving his boogie board and is sporting
his new Adrenaline socks. They say that I made his day. But truth is he made my day:)photo-45

Anyway if you read this blog, you must be a very patient good person and/or like reading my blogs.

That’s my day in the smallest nutshell I could get it in.

Peace Out Nick Wallace


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