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About A Movie

Hey there all my awesome Nick’s Picks blog readers. I know I haven’t posted in a while, but this
is pretty cool!

I get to be in a UCLA movie! I am so excited, the movie is about my transplant experience
and how I feel I should give back to others through Nick’s Picks. This is self explanatory,
because if you’re reading this you’re on my website.

The director of this film is a really cool guy, who’s name is Robert Egan and the producer is Jeffery Smith.
They are both so interesting and I really liked working with them. They followed and filmed me delivering Nick’s Picks backpacks
to the kids at Mattel UCLA Children’s Hospital. The kids I met were great.

This movie will be shown at UCLA Royce Hall on May 15th and I will give a short speech afterwards. The title is a surprise so far. In fact, I haven’t even seen the movie yet!
I really hope this production for the UCLA 100th year anniversary is going to be “Legend”, wait for it….. “Dairy”!

Thanks for reading guys,

Peace out! From Nick

Me playing my song "Second Chance"

Me playing my song “Second Chance”


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